Durham Christian Homes is laying off all its staff as it shuts down the Glen Hill Marnwood long-term care home and relocates to Whitby. The new location is being built to abide by the government’s updated design standards, as part of Ontario’s plan to redevelop outdated long-term care beds. The staff was initially excited about moving to a modern building. But the employer had other ideas.
Durham Christian Homes demanded that the nurses and personal support workers accept a concessionary contract that would include wage freezes, reduction in benefits and two-tier contracts. When CUPE refused, the employer issued layoff notices, and told them to reapply for their jobs at the new home.
The employer also decided to contract out 21 support staff jobs in housekeeping, dietary, laundry and food services. Some of these workers have worked at the home for over two decades.
The workers are distraught. They have regularly gone over and above in providing the residents a safe and caring environment. This has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this time workers have ensured both these homes remained free of COVID-19. On top of the stress of working during a pandemic, these workers face other workplace issues, such as working short-staffed and working in an un-airconditioned environment in full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Outdated long-term care homes need to be upgraded to modern buildings to better cater to resident needs. But they must not marginalize the workers in the process. The conditions of work are the conditions of care. Residents need continuity and stability to maintain their precious bonds with workers.
Durham Christian Homes must BUILD IT RIGHT.
Please take a moment to sign this petition and tell Durham Christian Homes to rescind the layoff notices