We all know it takes a community to care and to get through a crisis like a pandemic. The last few months as we all pulled together, worked harder than ever to contain a COVID-19 outbreak at our homes it became more and more apparent how important the efforts of front-line long-term care workers are to keeping residents safe. Also evident is the need for more stable, full-time jobs in long-term care and higher staffing to provide residents with the care they deserve.

Our CUPE locals have a long history pulling through tough times. We want to continue to provide care for Glen Hills residents and families as Durham Christian Homes rebuilds. Unfortunately, the employer has other ideas. These ideas include making the jobs less stable and more underpaid by:

  • Not honouring the current collective agreement should you transfer to the new site.
  • Contracting out maintenance, dietary, housekeeping and laundry.
  • Introducing two-tier wages and wage freezes.
  • Imposing claw backs on benefits and shift premiums.
  • Bringing in sub-standard sick leave while COVID-19 infections are still happening in the community and a potential second wave may soon hit.

It seems hard to believe that the employer is proposing these diminished working conditions in the context of a pandemic that has not ended and while you are all working long hours, understaffed in a hot building without air conditioning wearing full PPE. It is not the thanks that any of you deserve.

The community has supported us and thanked the front-line health care workers ― throughout this pandemic. We are confident that there are many in the Durham community who would react negatively to how the employer is now treating us by demanding concessions and poor working conditions that include a two-tier wage system and more “flexible” rather than more stable jobs. We know the community would support us to make resident care and working conditions better.

You know that CUPE is an activist union. One that will fight in your corner. We believe that because CUPE is trying hard to maintain your solid collective agreement with good protections, the employer may be maneuvering to get another union to represent you, one that they see as more “cooperative and agreeable” than CUPE at Glen Hill Terrace. Over the next while, the employer may send you communications talking about a variety of issues from their biased perspective. Please keep in mind what their motivations may be when you receive information from the employer and always be assured that CUPE has your best interests at heart. Our goal is to maintain the workplace rights you enjoy under your current collective agreement. You deserve nothing less.

We also want to ensure that any new employee would also have access to the same rights and benefits that you currently enjoy. The employer wants to divide you by introducing inferior working conditions. With about 35,000 members in long-term care across Ontario, CUPE is the leader in the sector – with the highest wages and best protections.

It is unfortunate that as yet, the employer has not recognized how positive and cooperative CUPE’s approach is. We are optimistic this may change and that the employer may see that collectively we have an opportunity to not only build the bricks and mortar of the new home, but to build better quality care and the workforce stability that we know the sector needs and that we know the community supports.

Joint Local 2225 and 5110 information meetings have been scheduled for July 9th. Click the following link to register for one of the meetings: https://cupeltc.ca/2020/06/26/glenn-hill-marnwood-and-strathaven-information-meeting/

Please stay well.

In solidarity,

Lisa Barkwell                                                 Michelle Sudsbury
President, CUPE 5110                                 Unit President CUPE 2225-06-12